The Amentes // Golden Hour Maternity Session in Lancaster, PA


Abiyan & Katie. What is there to say…

Well first of all, we could not have asked for a more glorious evening to have their session on. It was beautiful, open, and warm in both light and air — if you know what I’m talking about ;) A photographer’s dream!

Speaking of photographer’s dream — Katie and Abiyan were absolutely perfect!! Let me see if my words can do their adorable couple dynamics justice.. I doubt it..

The air they carried was welcoming, kind, hilarious, and willing to do whatever I proposed! Haha, they walked through dog-poop infested fields and at 38-weeks pregnant, Katie was willing to do whatever it took to get the shots I was creating.
Even when I would give them a prompt and they had no clue what I was talking about, they still were troopers and gave it their best shot. It was fantastic! They were laughing, I was laughing — We all were laughing throughout the entire hour.
Those are my favorite couples : the ones who can laugh together through anything.

I know you both will make incredible parents. Your little boy is surely blessed already. I am so excited for his arrival — any day now!! May God bless you in this new, amazing, hard, but rewarding and growing adventure. God bless your family, Amentes!! <3

Much love,